For Sale: 1980 Cessna 172RG. 4547 Total Time Airframe. Lycoming 180 Hp O-360 405SMOH. 3 Blade McCauley Constant Speed Prop 405SMOH. Avionics include Garmin 340 Audio Panel w/intercom and marker becon, Garmin GNX 375 WAASÂ GPS, Transponder (ADS-B in/out) & R-Nav GI-106B CDI Indicator, Garmin GA-35 WAAS GPS Antennia, Bendix King MX385 NAV/COM (ILS/VOR), Garmin GTR 225 Com, Dynon D3 Pocket Panel EFIS, Truetrac Aerocruise 2-axis autopilot, JPI 700 engine monitor, Digital Tach, Garmin GSB-15 Power outlet. Extras include Rosin visors, Hobbs Meter, Pilot/Copilot PTT in yoke, Bubble side windows, Tannis Pre heat, Towbar. 3 years of Blackstone oil analysis history. Interior/Exterior 8+/10, 125KTS cruise. Ready to go $155,000